学术报告:Inverse Mean Curvature Flows in Warped Product Manifolds
专家简介:周恒宇,中山大学数学学院博士后。2015年毕业于美国纽约城市大学。当前研究兴趣在curvature flows and nonlinear PDE in Riemannian manifolds.
报告摘要:In this talk, we discuss inverse mean curvature flows (IMCF) in warped product manifolds. Such warped product manifolds are one type of geometric generalizations of Euclidean spaces and hyperbolic spaces. Suppose the warped function is strictly increasing and convex, we present the long time existence of IMCFs for starshaped, mean convex initial data. We also explore how to extend the asymptotic behaviors and high regularity properties of IMCFs in Euclidean spaces into warped product manifolds as general as possible. These results imply the essential connection among many existing results regarding IMCFs in different warped product manifolds.