学术报告:Neural Networks and Deep Learning
专家简介:邹翠明,博士毕业于澳门大学数学系,主要从事信号分析,图像处理研究。她分别于2010年和2013年在BWIN必赢获得学士学位和硕士学位。目前,在图像处理,信号分析方向发表了3篇SCI论文,其中部分文章在国际权威期刊(IEEE Transactions on Image Processing)发表。
报告摘要:This talk aims at presenting an introduction of some mathematical knowledge in image processing. The basic image processing tasks, such as denoising, segmentation, registration, compression are all related to the calculus, linear algebra, transformations and so on. In this report, some examples will be presented to show how to apply mathematics to digital image processing. The singular value decomposition technique will be introduced for image reconstruction.