学术报告:Some Topics on Harmonic Analysis in Data Science
报告专家:Jianzhong Wang教授
专家简介:Jianzhong Wang, Bachelor Degree (Mathematics), (1962-1967) Peking University, China. Master Degree (Mathematics), (1978-1981) Zhejiang University, China. Full Professor,(2003–current)Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Sam Houston State University,USA. He has published two books and more than 100 peer-reviewed papers.
报告摘要:In the classical mathematics, harmonic analysis is a powerful tool in the study of the geometry of function spaces and smooth manifolds. Recently, it has been successfully used in data science for the study of data structure and for constructing effective algorithms for high-dimensional data processing. In this talk, we introduce the data graphs and the harmonic analysis on the data graphs. We will discuss the properties of the diffusion operator and Laplacian on data graphs, reveal the spectral analysis of the functions on data graphs, and study how to use harmonic analysis to find the geometric structures on the data and to extract the data features.