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Harnack inequalities for evolving hypersurfaces
作者:      发布时间:2018-09-10       点击数:
报告时间 2018年9月13日9:00-10:00 报告地点 BWIN必赢201报告厅
报告人 Julian Scheuer (Freiburg University)

学术报告:Harnack inequalities for evolving hypersurfaces


报告专家:Julian Scheuer (Freiburg University)



专家简介:Assistant professor at Freiburg University, the main subjects are Geometric Analysis and Partial Differential Equations。

报告摘要:We introduce a new method to obtain Harnack inequalities for extrinsic curvatureflows such as the mean curvatureflow and more general fully nonlinearflows. For example, this method allows us to deduce Harnack inequalities for the mean curvatureflow in locally symmetric (Riemannian or Lorentzian) Einstein spaces, forflows with convex speeds in the De Sitter space and for the Gauss curvatureflow in Minkowski space. (Joint work with Paul Bryan and Mohammad Ivaki).

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