Name: Zhan Liu
Position: Associate Professor
Email: eleen_20040109@163.com
Address: School of Mathematics and Statistics, Hubei University, No.368, Youyi Avenue, Wuchang District,Wuhan, Hubei Province 430062, China
Academic Background
2016.08-2017.03 Joint Training Ph.D. Supported by CSC,JPSM, University of Maryland, MD, U.S.
2014.09-2017.06 Ph.D., Statistics, Renmin University of China, Beijing, China
2013.09-2014.06 Visiting Scholar, Statistics, Renmin University of China, Beijing, China
2004.09-2007.06 Master, Curriculum and Instruction Theory, Hubei University, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China (Recommended)
2000.09-2004.06 Bachelor, Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Hubei University, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China
Research Interest
Survey Sampling
Missing Data in Time Series
Composite Likelihood Inference
2018.07- Associate Professor, School of Mathematics and Statistics, Hubei University, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China
2018.05-2018.08 Research Associate, Department of Statistics, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
2017.07-2018.06 Lecturer, School of Mathematics and Statistics, Hubei University, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China
2007.07-2013.06 Lecturer, School of Mathematics and Information Science, Pingdingshan University, Henan Province, China
Selected Publications
1. Liu, Z. (2018). Research on Statistical Inference of Non-probability Sampling Based on Propensity Score Multilevel Model.Statistics and Decision Making (Chinese), To appear.
2. Liu, Z. (2018). Research on Statistical Inference of Non-probability Sampling Based on Propensity Score Generalized Linear Model. Mathematics in Practice and Theory (Chinese),To appear.
3. Liu, Z., Jin,Y. J. (2017). Statistical Inference of Web Access Panel Surveys. Statistics & Information Forum (Chinese), 32(2), 3-10.
4. Jin,Y. J., Liu, Z. (2016). Statistical Inference Problems of Non-probability Sampling Under the Background of Big Data.Statistical Research (Chinese), 33 (3), 11-17.
5. Liu, Z., Jin,Y. J., Han, X. N. (2016). The Missing Data Imputation Method Based on Propensity Score Matching.Mathematics in Practice and Theory (Chinese), 46(12), 193-201.
6. Liu, Z., Jin,Y. J. (2016). Research on Statistical Inference Methods of Non- Probability Sampling Based on Propensity Score Matching and Weighting Adjustment.Statistics and Decision Making (Chinese), 21, 4-8.
7. Liu, Z. (2015). Research on Statistical Inference of the Self-selected Web Survey. Jinan Journal (Philosophy and Social Sciences) (Chinese), 9, 106-111.
8. Dai, M. F., Liu, Z. (2015). Interpretation of the Misunderstanding of the Big Data. Chinese Journal of Health Informatics and Management (Chinese), 12(1), 61-63, 70.
9. Liu, Z. (2015). The Research of the Effects of Mathematics Teachers’ Beliefs and Students’ Mathematics Belief System on Mathematics Learning Interest Based on the Multilevel Linear Model.Mathematics in Practice and Theory (Chinese), 45(12), 294-301.
10. Liu, Z., Zhang, S. L. (2014). Research on the Effects of Mathematics Teachers’ Beliefs and Students’ Mathematics Belief System on Students’ Mathematics Learning Interest.Journal of Nanchang Normal University (Chinese), 35(6), 5-9.
11. Wang, J. J., Liu, Z. (2013). Oscillation for Third-order Nonlinear Neutral Delay Dynamic Equations on Time Scales.Mathematics in Practice and Theory (Chinese), 43(4), 265-268.
12. Liu, Z., Qu, C. (2012). Research on the Relationship between Students’ Mathematics Belief System and Mathematics Learning Interest in the Middle School.Journal of Mathematics Education (Chinese), 21(2), 41-43.
Selected Grant Support
2018-2020 PI, Research on the Model Inference of Web Survey Samples Under the Background of Big Data. Funded by the National Social Science Foundation of China in 2018, Grant Number: 18BTJ022.
2017-2019 PI, Research on the Statistical Inference of Non-probability Sampling Under Web Survey. Funded by the Research Funds of Hubei University.
2015-2016 Participation, Research on the Statistical Inference of Non-probability Sampling Under the Background of Big Data. Funded by the National Social Science Foundation of China in 2015, Grant Number: 15BTJ014. PI, Research on Respondent-Driven Sampling Under the Background of Big Data. Funded by the Research Funds of Renmin University of China.
2014-2015 Participation, The Annual Report of China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development. Funded by China Academic Degrees & Graduate Education Development Center. PI, Research on Sample Matching Problems in the Era of Big Data. Funded by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, and the Research Funds of Renmin University of China, Grant Number: 15XNH102.
2013-2015 Participation, Construction of Statistical Index System of Certification and Accreditation. Funded by Information Center of Certification and Accreditation Administration of People’s Republic of China
2012-2013 PI, Research on the Evaluation Index System of Efficiency of Science and Technology Innovation and the Quantifiable Valuation Method—A Case from Henan Province. The Soft Science Research Project in Henan Province, Grant Number: 132400410641. PI, Research on the effects of Students’ Mathematics Belief System on Mathematics Learning Interest. The Social Science Association Project in Henan Province, Grant Number: SKL-2012-2035.
Applied Stochastic Processes, Winter 2017
Sampling Technique, Winter 2017
Educational Statistics, Winter 2017
Bayesian Statistics, Spring 2018
Probability and Statistics, Spring 2013, Spring 2012, Spring 2011, Spring 2010
SPSS Statistical Analysis Method and Application, Spring 2013, Spring 2012
Advanced Mathematics, Winter 2012, Winter 2009, Winter 2008
Competition Mathematics, Spring 2011, Spring 2010, Spring 2009
Applied Regression Analysis, Winter 2010,Spring 2018
Research on Elementary Mathematics, Spring 2008
Mathematics Teaching Theoretic in Middle School, Winter 2007